

对彼之美的过度简化 / Mia yperaploustefsi tis omorfias tis


  • 片名:对彼之美的过度简化
  • 状态:HD
  • 主演:未知
  • 导演:Terence/Nance/
  • 年份:2012
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:爱情/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2020-07-08 16:37
  • 简介:Overwhelming debut about the doubts of the director Nance about his relationship with a beautiful young woman. He combines personal experiences with fiction, documentary and various animation styles. A film filled with vulnerability and humour; enthusiasm leaps at you from the screen.One evening in 2006, the young American filmmaker Terence Nance receives a phone call from the woman he had been trying to build up a relationship with for some time. She can’t come. He starts having his doubts. Why did she back out?Open-hearted, sharp and playful, Nance tries in An Oversimplification of Her Beauty to trace all the elements of his feelings about the evening back to their true origins. Fantasies, feelings and memories roll over the screen in the form of documentary footage, live action and a wide range of animation styles. And in addition there are the inevitable questions that the maker must pose: How well does he know himself? Is he not being deceived by his own feelings?For a phenomenon that everybody occasionally experiences, the starting point for An Oversimplification of Her Beauty is surprisingly seldom the subject of films. What goes on in your body as you experience emotions at a certain point? And how ‘sure’ is that moment really?把“我爱她她爱不爱我”想了说了分析了演绎了回顾了动画了好几年的video essey“私电影”,多种形式糅杂虚实难辨(动画虽稚拙但很用心,木偶动画最佳),影片本身还嫌粗糙思想格局小。用词书面化以优美钢琴配乐为主呈现黑人电影另一种审美。毕竟噼里啪啦讲了这么多话,还是有些金句。开头也很神,但是后面开始读论文一样的形式,我其实不太欣赏,看上去实在是太累了。里面动画的部分都还不错,比较喜欢。情书式的essay film,但意识流被章节体打断,让电影像是缺乏情感的碎碎念。乱七八糟的材质堵住了观众共情的入口,比起Jonathan Caouette差太远。导演的野心越来越大,不断刻意地强调虚实相交的形式和片中记录影像的存在,自己的想法则被置换成第二人称,非常不真诚。开头十几分钟还有点惊艳,现代艺术的离间/解说风格,剪辑和影像语言也还到位,有作者电影的味道。后面第二个电影的插入,开始唐突和离题,不过在男性视角下的女性主体,蛮有讽刺和幽默感。导演天马行空的创造力,创作短片会非常精彩,但非要凑到长片,没有统一的剧情和主题,就太单薄空泛了。混合实景与多种动画形式,拼贴现实与幻想,构建起一座私人情感与思维的主题乐园,孤独自省是一台旋转木马,交错的时间线如万花筒般瑰丽。稍显可惜的是材料编排的失序与主题的单薄,令人惊叹的是导演的才气几乎要溢出屏幕。
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    Overwhelming debut about the doubts of the director Nance about his relationship with a beautiful young woman. He combines personal experiences with fiction, documentary and various animation styles. A film filled with vulnerability and humour; enthusiasm leaps at you from the screen.One evening in 2006, the young American filmmaker Terence Nance receives a phone call from the woman he had been trying to build up a relationship with for some time. She can’t come. He starts having his doubts. Why did she back out?Open-hearted, sharp and playful, Nance tries in An Oversimplification of Her Beauty to trace all the elements of his feelings about the evening back to their true origins. Fantasies, feelings and memories roll over the screen in the form of documentary footage, live action and a wide range of animation styles. And in addition there are the inevitable questions that the maker must pose: How well does he know himself? Is he not being deceived by his own feelings?For a phenomenon that everybody occasionally experiences, the starting point for An Oversimplification of Her Beauty is surprisingly seldom the subject of films. What goes on in your body as you experience emotions at a certain point? And how ‘sure’ is that moment really?

    把“我爱她她爱不爱我”想了说了分析了演绎了回顾了动画了好几年的video essey“私电影”,多种形式糅杂虚实难辨(动画虽稚拙但很用心,木偶动画最佳),影片本身还嫌粗糙思想格局小。用词书面化以优美钢琴配乐为主呈现黑人电影另一种审美。


    情书式的essay film,但意识流被章节体打断,让电影像是缺乏情感的碎碎念。乱七八糟的材质堵住了观众共情的入口,比起Jonathan Caouette差太远。导演的野心越来越大,不断刻意地强调虚实相交的形式和片中记录影像的存在,自己的想法则被置换成第二人称,非常不真诚。







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