After his company goes bankrupt, Charles commits suicide. Now left on her own, his widow Marie is shocked to find out that he also had a mountain of personal debt. Charles’ father blames Marie for her husband’s death and refuses to financially support her and her three kids. When she loses her house, Marie is forced to move into an apartment in a public housing development to make ends meet.. Marie finds a job in a supermarket and the kids manage to adjust to the difficult situation. But when Marie is sexually harassed by her boss, she quits.. Out of despair, she decides to work alongside her neighbors Ranja, Sonja and Valeska on the street. Rania introduces her as a high-class prostitute. Finally, Marie is earning enough money to support her family. Meanwhile, Marie’s father-in-law hires a private detective to determine the source of Marie’s sudden income. Then, Valeska’s pimp Ernie murders one of his rivals and brutally attacks Sonja. He forces the girls to work for him. Ernie also becomes aware of the detective shadowing Marie and makes him talk about his client. When the pimp meets with Marie’s father-in-law, the two come up with a shady and disturbing plan…影片《当幸福来敲门》:男主用家里边的全部存款买来一批医疗仪器,他想的是运用零售商赚价差的方法挣钱,可是谁曾想这批医疗仪器那麼难卖出,一开始卖的情况下一个月能卖出两部,凑合够一个月生活费用,渐渐地的一台也卖不出去了,由于医院门诊觉得这一医疗仪器是奢侈品包包而且都不好用。